His Birth

1985 April 09

Created by Tani 15 years ago
I remember the early morning when he was born. I lived in a small house with Jared's older sister. She had just turned 3 yrs old, a few months earlier. We had gone to Balboa Park in San Diego with some friends on Easter Sunday. We enjoyed the day, inside the museums and outside, walking all day. I was home with my little girl, that Monday, relaxing. Afterall, being 9 months pregnant and spending an entire day walking around, can be exhausting. I put my daughter to bed and retired for the evening myself. Sometime shortly after midnight I awoke with contractions. I called my friend, she picked me up and we took Sunny to "Grandma's" house, as planned. I arrived at the hospital and they prepped me for the delivery. He arrived at 3:08 a.m. What a beautiful and precious baby. I remember after everything was done, they brought him into my room. I sat and held him close to me and I whispered into his little ear, "Hello, my beautiful little man". I had never seen a more perfect looking baby, as I stared endlessly for hours at him. I never wanted to let him go. I wished many times, that his Father would've been there to experience this beautiful boy and watch him grow into the man he became, for what a fine, loving, smart and caring young man, my beautiful boy turned out to be. His big sister was so proud of him. I remember a couple friends stopped by to see him, after we got home. Big sister, Sunny, picked him up out of his cradle and gently carried her baby brother, under his little arms, to our company. I saw her carrying him, and I said to her, "Thank You Honey, let Mama take him now". LOL But she was so proud of him. I'm so grateful that they grew up so very close to each other. I know this is just as hard for her, as it is me. So together, we'll get through this. I'm also remembering another chapter of this birth. My Mother was angry at me, for having a child "out-of-wedlock". She wouldn't speak to me throughout my pregnancy, but on the day of his birth, she showed up at the hospital. We both cried together, as she held her beautiful grandson. And we apologized to each other for what had happened. Everything was fine afterwards. It was a special day, indeed.

