Kourtney Melton (Altman) 12th November 2010

Jared was more than an amazing person, he was one of the best people I've ever met. When we met at Job Corps, I was the "new" girl, and I had a lot of people picking on me, and being horrible to me. Jared was right there, even though I didn't know him, he came over and helped me out. He carried me on his back to the pool hall, and we played pool. After that, we hung out everyday. Ate lunch in the cafeteria together. He was such a great guy. I miss him still, so much. After Job Corps we stayed in touch, and talked all the time. I still have messages from him that I can't delete. He talked about how much his nephew meant to him. I really miss him... soo much, and wish I could have got to see him one more time and give him a huge hug. He gave the best bear hugs.... I love you Jared, thank you for always having my back.... ♥ I will never, ever forget you.